How your data is used against you!

Daily home internet traffic that is malicious
Increase in identity theft incidents since 2019
Number of cyber attacks that can target a home per week


Using our data against us

Rogues Gallery

So, who wants access to our data? And what are they doing with is? The impact to your safety and your wallet are REAL!

learn more about kavalan privacy protection
  • CYBER CRIMINALS: Our data reveals what devices we use, where we bank, where we shop, where we work and more! Cyber criminals use this information for targeted attacks to steal our identity or our money or take control of our devices to use in other cyber crime.

  • ENEMY STATES: Nation states like China, Russia and more can launch attacks that can deactivate your devices, use your data to manipulate you or even use your devices and data to target your employer and attack US critical infrastructure.

  • CORPORATIONS AND DATA BROKERS: Corporations use your data to not just offer you coupons but also offer you different prices for products based on your behaviors. For example, insurance companies have already used data from gas price apps to increase prices on consumers.

how does kavalan work?

Cyber threat and privacy protection

Protect unlimited devices in your home including laptops, tablets, smart phones, smart TVs, smart lightbulbs and more from cyber threats and privacy violations for as low as $60 per year!

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Interactive Demo

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The kavalan advantage

Cleaner Internet

Lesser ads across apps and websites. Better content experience.

Risk Reduction

Lesser data collection and exposure to data brokers.

Risk Insights

Better visibility into the whole family's privacy exposure
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Try the Kavalan Light version free for 30 days. Try on one device or the whole house - your choice! No credit card needed.

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